Owners of fields with native forest can apply for a discount in the agricultural income tax (IRAE), property tax, Primary tax, and Social Security tax.
The aim is to create awareness that native forest represents a natural environment protected by law. This means that producers can take active measures to conserve the environment.
Sustainability is now one of the key concerns of the Uruguayan government, and native forests in rural Uruguay are currently an environmental priority.
They maintain the biodiversity of the ecosystem, capture carbon, and favor the filtration of groundwater. At the same time, they protect the soil from erosion. Those who protect them will be taking care of the planet and the environment.
Rural producers must register the forests with the General Forest Directorate.
Prior to that, an assessment must be carried out by an Agricultural Engineer or a Forestry Technician graduated from UTU (Technological University of Uruguay).
Once these steps are completed, the tax benefits will be accessible.
In October of the past year, the country launched the first global bond based on environmental indicators.
Two points are crucial:
Both the government and entrepreneurs are aware of the impact of environmental sustainability. New business models in products and services focus on preserving the environment.
Involving the entire population, and in this specific case, rural producers, aims to encourage environmental care through tax measures applied to fields with native forests.
Preserving the environment is crucial for the future of the planet, and the conservation of native forests is one way in which rural producers can contribute to sustainability.
If you’re interested in acquiring a field with native forest, contact us for more information.